Kindergarten at Explorers

Kindergarten sets the foundation for the school journey that lies ahead.

Explorers offers a government approved Kindergarten program for three and four year olds, developed in line with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework’s (VEYLDF) guidelines and recommendations.

Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach® and led by our Bachelor qualified Early Childhood Teachers, the Explorers Kindergarten Program is completed over a two year period, commencing with the three year old Kindergarten Program.

Being active participants in the Explorers Kindergarten Program from age of three enables children to experience consistent ways of being, doing, and learning, which includes familiar environments, faces, and secure relationships.

This stability ensures a successful and effective transition through the kindergarten years and into school. Explorers three year old Kindergarten Program builds on the foundations of our Learning for Life, further preparing children for four year old kindergarten and their future school journey.

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What is School Readiness at Explorers?

The National Early Years Learning Framework refers to school readiness as the ability to persevere when faced with unfamiliar and challenging learning situations. These skills are essential for a child’s successful transition to school.

Here is what school readiness means to us at Explorers.


Wellbeing takes place through attachment, and nurturing and caring relationships. Educators at Explorers design learning experiences for
children to develop a strong sense of being and belonging, optimism, resilience, and positive attitudes to learning. Wellbeing encompasses both physical and mental wellbeing.

Self Regulation

Self-regulation involves managing emotions, energy, and behaviour. Developing these skills helps children build perseverance and persistence, enhancing their relationships with others. These attributes are crucial for higher cognitive functioning in the brain.

Cognitive Skills

Learning skills are marked by curiosity, problem-solving, and the ability to focus and concentrate. Children learn be able to think critically and engage in early literacy and numeracy experiences.

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Effective communication skills are crucial for children to transition to school. Children are encouraged to think critically to express themselves, listen, understand instructions, and engage in responsive conversations, including verbal and nonverbal communication.

Positive Attitudes towards Learning

Positive attitudes towards learning, such as confidence, persistence, and optimism, are essential. Children learn exhibit a willingness and preparedness to engage in new experiences and challenges.

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Respect for Diversity

Children who respect diversity are inclusive. Inclusive attitudes are essential for children’s equitable relationships with others regardless of race, gender, culture or religious beliefs. Inclusive attitudes enable children to interact respectfully and empathetically.


Children learn be autonomous, able to manage basic self care tasks independently, such as dressing, eating, and personal hygiene. They also show initiative by seeking information and asking questions.

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To find out more about Kindergarten at Explorers, download our Kindergarten Brochure or check out our Kindergarten FAQS.