Modify Enrolment

Thanks for using our Family Support Portal.

Here you can modify your enrolment details, including adding days, swapping days or reducing days.

I want to add days to my child’s enrolment

You can request to add days to your child’s existing booking by completing a new registration here.

Our admissions team will prioritise current families when offering places at our Centres.

I want to swap the days that my child is enrolled

Please note that swapping days is subject to availability.

Please complete the form here.

I want to delay the start of my child’s enrolment

Please note that delays to commencement are subject to availability, however we will endeavour to accommodate your request.

Please complete the form here.

I want to reduce the number of days that my child is enrolled

Please be aware that four weeks’ notice is required to reduce the number of days that your child in enrolled.

Please complete the form here.

I want to cancel my child’s enrolment

Please be aware that four weeks’ notice is required to cancel your child’s enrolment.

Please complete the form here.